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"The Influence of PT Natarang Mining's Gold Mining Activities on Population Livelihood Patterns"

"The Influence of PT Natarang Mining's Gold Mining Activities
on Population Livelihood Patterns"


By: LHR Kautsar


Indonesia is threatened! The country of the world's lungs has now turned into the fastest destructive country in the world! That's what the Guinness Book of Records revealed. Based on forest cover mapping by the Indonesian government assisted by the World Bank (2000), there was an increase in the rate of deforestation from 1.7 million Ha/year (1985-1997), to 2.83 Ha/year (1997-2000), continuing to 15.15 million Ha/year (2000-2009).

This change in forest "cover" is caused by human activity. Starting from illegal logging, land clearing due to the emergence of industry, forest conversion to agriculture, plantations to land clearing or conversion of forests for the mining industry. Yes, almost all mines in Indonesia cut down forests to set up mining businesses, and this then has an impact on the environment. It is fate that every human economic activity is inversely proportional to the environment. This means that every time human economic activity develops, it has a negative impact on the environment. In fact, both economic activities and the environment both play an important role in supporting human life.

In fact, the change of function of forest areas is permitted by Law No. 41 of 1999 article 19 paragraph (1) concerning forestry, which states "changes in the designation and function of forest areas are determined by the government based on the results of integrated research". However, now this law has changed to Law No. 19 of 2004, where forest mining has changed to a lease-to-use permit.

Potential concerns due to the mining industry

Potential environmental concerns resulting from the mining industry should be of concern to the government. This is no exception in mining areas, which again occurred in Bandar Negeri Semuong District, Tanggamus Regency, Sumatra, with the inauguration of the PT Natarang Mining gold mine in 2011. Apart from the environmental aspect in the form of forest conversion, potential concerns about this mining also include its impact on eye patterns. people's livelihood.


 Bandar Negeri Semuong District and Tanggamus Regency

Bandar Negeri Semuong District, which is in Tanggamus Regency, Lampung, Sumatra, is a new sub-district resulting from the expansion of Wonosobo District in 2007. This sub-district has an area of ​​98.12 km2. In cyberspace, there are not many profiles regarding Bandar Negeri Semuoang itself. Therefore, the explanation of the wider area is Tanggamus Regency.

Tanggamus Regency (104o18'-05o12' East Longitude and 5o05-5o56 South Latitude) has the capital Kota Agung. It borders West Lampung Regency and Central Lampung Regency (to the north), Samudera Indonesia (to the south), West Lampung Regency (to the west), Regency Pringsewu (east). Tanggamus Regency has a total area of ​​4,654.98 km2 with 2,855.46 km2 (land) and 1,799.50 km2 (sea). The topography of the region varies between lowlands and highlands, some of which are hilly to mountainous, which is around 40% of the entire region with a height from sea level between 0 and 2,115 meters. Geomorphologically, the western part of Tanggamus Regency moves further north and tends to follow the slopes of Bukit Barisan. The southern part is tapered and has a large bay, namely Semangka Bay. In Semangka Bay, there is a port which is an inter-island port and there is a fish landing place. Bandar Negeri Semuong District itself is located in the northwest of Tanggamus Regency.

The majority of Tanggamus Regency's natural resource potential is agriculture, this also applies to Bandar Negeri Semuong District. In Tanggamus Regency, there is also gold mining, minerals such as granite and alabaster or marble. Apart from that, there are also hot springs and geothermal sources which make it possible to develop them into alternative electrical energy plants, for example in Ulu Belu. Apart from that, Tanggamus Regency is famous for its coffee plantations. Not only that, fisheries, tourism and animal husbandry are livelihoods that support the population of this district.

The PT Natarang Mining Gold Mining Area is still relatively young in Indonesia, and has not yet shown a significant impact regarding the environment of the mining area and its surroundings. However, if we look at past historical records, the impact of gold mining exploitation affects natural geographic conditions, such as loss of land cover and changes in the geomorphology of the mining area, changing land use. In other words, the activities of residents around the mining area can also be affected. This also applies to the population's livelihood patterns.

 History and changes in population livelihood patterns

Based on data processing from qualitative methods and interview techniques through judgment sampling (the sample chosen was the best research sample according to the researcher) based on constructivism theory - building meaning from all forms of information both explicitly and implicitly from informants - a chronological pattern of changes in eye patterns was found. people's livelihood.


Around 1985-1987, foreign researchers1 began to explore (survey and research) the Bandar Negeri Semuong District area. This exploration was long before the existence of the Way Semuong Banding-Gunung Doh Bridge (“Way” means river), so trail motorbikes were used because the terrain was dangerous2. The first rocks containing gold content were found in Way Semuong, finally research continued around the area. Finally, gold content was rediscovered in the Register 39 Block X Protected Forest Area. At that time, register 39 was a state-owned area (block The settlement is near Block X, namely Rawa Agung.

Historically, in 1977 the mining area was still quiet, and there had not been much forest clearing. The first opening was carried out by PT Kayujati (owned by Mrs. Awi who comes from Malaysia), but it went bankrupt in the 1980s. Furthermore, many residents live on the former PT land, especially transmigrants. The first time the arrivals came from Palembang, followed by people from Java, Padang, Bandar Lampung, Sulawesi, Sunda. The number continues to increase, as do the plantations opened by them, namely coffee, cocoa, cloves, etc.

At that time, the mining area was intended to be a protected forest area (Pekon G. Doh in 2007 after expansion), residences (around 20 umbulans/non-permanent houses belonging to gardeners), and plantations of intercropping farmers. At that time 70% of intercropping livelihoods were plantations and agriculture. The start of floods, landslides and floods occurred after the land changed from forests to agriculture and plantations.

Pre-mining starts with compensation for plantation areas (per coffee/cocoa/merug tree, etc., not the land), agriculture. Relocation of more than 10 hectares of settlement, as well as compensating for losses by shifting livelihoods to miners. The area they moved to was called Talang Saju, the place they moved to was called Talang Pencol (from the name of the first person there). Now they have moved to the surrounding mining area and they are still gardening.

Massive transmigration (settlement) of intercropping workers occurred in 1987 from block 3 (block 3-12 area). Mining from block 10. Before the formation of the mining area, the block was a camp, where coffee traders and farmers occupied blocks 1 and 2, and the atmosphere was busy, resembling a market. The protected forest there consists of many pila blocks, block 8 is included in the Tanggamus area, which is now called Banda Negeri Semuong District; while block 9 and so on enters the West Lampung area.

Massive transmigration (settlement) of intercropping workers occurred in 1987 from block 3 (block 3-12 area). Mining from block 10. Before the formation of the mining area, the block was a camp, where coffee traders and farmers occupied blocks 1 and 2, and the atmosphere was busy, resembling a market. The protected forest there consists of many pila blocks, block 8 is included in the Tanggamus area, which is now called Banda Negeri Semuong District; while block 9 and so on enters the West Lampung area.

The mining process began, and experienced ups and downs in mining operations. Even though unemployment in Bandar Negeri Semuong District has been absorbed there, it is inevitable that plantation areas and protected forests will be converted into mining areas.



Around last year, mining operations were carried out. The mining process began to find a point of success so that operations began to run in 2008-2009. The licensing for PT Natarang Mining went directly to the Minister of Forestry, not to the local government because at that time the Subdistrict Office was still new after the expansion of Bandar Negeri Semuong Subdistrict from Wonosobo Subdistrict in 2007. There are allegations that the request for permission to open a mine was from the Regency Mining Service. The sub-district concerned at the location of the mining area is only tasked with supervising it. In contrast, security when entering the mining area is very tight, and is assisted by the police and Mobile Brigade. The mining area is also fenced off by walls and barbed wire.

PT Natarang Mining mayproyas workers from outside the region (foreigners, residents of Jakarta and Bandar Lampung) as public relations, etc. For changes in livelihoods, before the mining, 80% of the population of Bandar Negeri Semuong District were farmers, and 1-3 entrepreneurs. After the existence of the mine, labor absorption occurred. There are around 500-600 residents out of a total of 22,560 residents in 12 pekons (5276 families) in Bandar Negeri Semuong District (Bappeda, 2012).

Of the sub-district residents who work, they are elementary school graduates, just finished high school or farmers, the majority of whom work as manual labor (tunnel diggers), security, drivers, laundry workers, etc. Not many native residents dare to work around tunnels (mining excavations). Unemployed undergraduate graduates are given higher positions. For residents in Pekon Gunung Doh itself (where the mine is located) it is known that only 1 person works in the mine, namely the logistics department. There are around 800 PT employees, but there are rumors that they will be laid off due to too many and less productive mines.

The previous plantation and protected forest area was also compensated by PT Natarang Mining and the location was turned into a mining area covering an area of ​​40.5 Ha. This company's permit continued to be processed until 2011 when it was finally completed and inaugurated by the local government. Initially there was a struggle for the regional permit between Tanggamus and West Lampung, but in the end West Lampung relented.

In the initial agreement, the mining company stated that it would share the proceeds by 70% for Semuong/nearby pekons and 30% for the regional government. However, the realization is less transparent, and it is known that the regional government is in control. In accordance with the existing bureaucracy, part of PT Natarang Mining's profits are given to Bappeda, then Bappeda distributes it to farmers around PT. Pekon-pekon gets a small share of the profits. After pressure from residents, PT Natarang Mining provided CSR to the nearest pekon. Even though it feels small, CSR helps build road infrastructure, mosques and culverts. Apart from that, the mining-community reciprocity is public health, a contract system for those who work at PT Natarang Mining, with a 1 year trial period, and an extension if it is positive. The CSR that Gunung Doh residents feel is scholarships for certain ranking schools. The funds are immediately handed over to the heads of the pekons to be used by their pekons. The flow of funds through the bureaucracy to the Regional Government first (around 1 billion).

From an environmental aspect, although there has been no research regarding river water quality, residents suspect waste pollution from PT Natarang due to flash floods containing mud.


It is estimated that 5-8 years later the mine will run out. The mining area tries to continue to develop and expand the area, such as opening blocks 9, 10 and so on. In 2012 it reached 46 Ha of mining area. The plan to expand the mining area to block VII has now begun to install boundary markers.

From the series of articles above, it can be concluded that there has been a change in the livelihood of the population since mining operations began, namely from agriculture to the mining industry. Currently there are around 1,100 PT Natarang Mining mining employees, and around 60% of them are residents of Bandar Negeri Semuong sub-district.



1. Tourists who intend to explore

2. Residents who helped with the exploration, namely R.U. (He was reported as a candidate for regent when the interview took place). Rizal was previously appointed as public relations officer for PT Natarang Mining

3. Pekon/purwatin means village

4. The term for immigrants who only want to work but not permanently. The context of intercropping applies to Javanese who come to work and return to Java during the dry season. The intercropping population consists of various areas, such as Metro, Gunung Sewu, Kalianda. The results of this intercropping plantation are sold to Tanggamus. Intercropping residents do not have the right to vote.


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